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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated (4.9/5) by 100s of happy customers 


Wake up energized⚡ and ready to conquer🏆 the day!

Reduce snoring, promote nasal breathing

Avoid dry mouth and sore throat

Skin & beard friendly

Life changing sleep from 42 cents per day

100% money back guarantee


Glen F

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WOW! I'm so relieved this works. It's so easy to use and comfortable and my sleep has never been better!

Better Sleep: Easy as 1 - 2 - 3


1. Peel

Peel the Hypnos Mouth Tape from the liner using the middle perforation


2. Stick

Purse your clean, dry lips in a comfortable position and cover entirely with the tape. Use your fingers to apply some pressure to the tape and activate the adhesive


3. Sleep

Enjoy the life-changing power of deep nasal breathing


Experience the Power of Nasal Breathing

Noses are designed for breathing. Your nose is a marvel of natural engineering - warming, humidifying, and filtering the air you breathe. On the other hand, breathing through your mouth bypasses all these built-in processes, serving your lungs dry, cold, and dirty air. Trust evolution and breathe the way you were meant to.

Stop Snoring: Nasal breathing can significantly reduce or even eliminate your snoring problem (or your partner's).

Unleash the Nitric Oxide Powerhouse: When you breathe through your nose, you stimulate the production of nitric oxide, a potent molecule that enhances blood flow and oxygen delivery throughout your body. Nitric oxide serves a host of functions from blood pressure and immune system regulation, cognitive function, metabolic efficiency and so much more. Nitric oxide is the unsung hero that keeps you at the top of your game.

Live Healthier: Protect your respiratory health by using your nose's natural filtering and humidifying system, and avoid sore throat and dry mouth.


Experience the Power of Nasal Breathing

Noses are designed for breathing. Your nose is a marvel of natural engineering - warming, humidifying, and filtering the air you breathe. On the other hand, breathing through your mouth bypasses all these built-in processes, serving your lungs dry, cold, and dirty air. Trust evolution and breathe the way you were meant to.

Stop Snoring: Nasal breathing can significantly reduce or even eliminate your snoring problem (or your partner's).

Eliminate Sore Throat and Dry Mouth: Do you wake up with a dry mouth or sore throat, but you're not actually sick? Mouth breathing is the culprit. Keeping your mouth closed during sleep maintains the optimal moisture content for your oral health, minimizing bacterial growth and keeping dry mouth and sore throat at bay. 

Unleash the Nitric Oxide Powerhouse: When you breathe through your nose, you stimulate the production of nitric oxide, a potent molecule that enhances blood flow and oxygen delivery throughout your body. Nitric oxide serves a host of functions from blood pressure and immune system regulation, cognitive function, metabolic efficiency and so much more. Nitric oxide is the unsung hero that keeps you at the top of your game.


★★★★★ 4.9 out of 439 reviews

Breathe Better, Live Better


Addressing snoring and mouth breathing can truly transform the nightly experience for yourself and your partner. Lessen those noisy interruptions and watch as you dive into deeper, rejuvenating sleep, waking up each morning with renewed energy and a brighter mood.

Picture this: You spring out of bed, feeling as if you've had a double shot of espresso, ready to seize the day with vigor.

And those cozy morning moments with your partner? They just got better. No need to shy away from close conversations or morning cuddles. Say goodbye to that pesky morning breath and give your oral health the boost it deserves. An added bonus? Your wallet and dental hygienist will be thankful.

In essence, we're talking about a sleep upgrade that's bound to make mornings (and the rest of your day) magical. Embrace the power of deep nasal breathing and prepare to feel on top of the world!


Breathe Better. Live Better.

Addressing snoring and mouth breathing can truly transform the nightly experience for yourself and your partner. Lessen those noisy interruptions and  dive into deep, rejuvenating sleep, waking up each morning with renewed energy and a brighter mood.

Picture this: You spring out of bed, feeling as if you've had a double shot of espresso, ready to seize the day with vigor.

And those cozy morning moments with your partner? They just got better. No need to shy away from close conversations or morning cuddles. Say goodbye to that pesky morning breath and give your oral health the boost it deserves. An added bonus? Your wallet and dental hygienist will be thankful.

In essence, we're talking about a sleep upgrade that's bound to make mornings (and the rest of your day) magical. Embrace the power of deep nasal breathing and prepare to feel on top of the world!


What makes Hypnos the best?

Our mouth tapes are made out of a breathable, flexible and hypoallergenic medical grade woven fabric. Providing you with full mouth coverage and a reliable skin and beard friendly adhesive for a full night comfort.


What makes Hypnos the best?

Our mouth tape is made out of a breathable, flexible and hypoallergenic medical grade woven fabric. Providing you with full mouth coverage and a reliable skin & beard friendly adhesive for a full night comfort.


★★★★★ 4.9 out of 439 reviews

Real Reviews From Real Customers

My partner's snoring was so disruptive that we slept in separate rooms. As a last ditch effort we tried Hypnos mouth taping and I can't believe how much it has helped! I decided to try it too and my sleep quality has improved dramatically. We're back in the same bed now :)

Ellen S.

This product is a game-changer for sleep. My nasal congestion has cleared up and I feel like a new person. It's comfortable, easy to use, and works with my beard. Highly recommended!

Hardeep M.


I've always struggled with dry mouth and sore throat when I wake up and I can't believe such a simple solution exists. Hypnos mouth tape has dramatically improved my sleep and helps me stay focused and energized all day long. 

Hector G.

Sleep Better - Backed by Science


Mouth taping is an excellent solution to your snoring problem. But this isn't just about silencing your disruptive snoring to please your partner—although that's a bonus they'll likely appreciate. The advantages go far beyond that.

Research from the Journal of Neuroscience, Scientific Reports, and Stanford School of Medicine affirms the numerous benefits of nasal breathing and the drawbacks of mouth breathing.

"Mouth breathing during sleep is not just undesirable; it is actually dangerous-as it is associated with sleep apnea (which puts people at risk for numerous cardiovascular issues, impaired craniofacial development in kids, and aesthetics and tooth and gut health in adults, and more"

- Andrew Huberman, Stanford University Neuroscientist

Mouth taping can alleviate sore throat, dry mouth and nasal congestion, helping you to wake up refreshed instead of parched, and struggling to breathe through the day. Additionally, it's beneficial for your dental health and helps maintain a healthy facial structure. It's time to put an end to snoring and kickstart your day brimming with vitality.


"Mouth breathing during sleep is not just undesirable; it is actually dangerous-as it is associated with sleep apnea (which puts people at risk for numerous cardiovascular issues, impaired craniofacial development in kids, and aesthetics and tooth and gut health in adults, and more"
- Andrew Huberman, Stanford University Neuroscientist

Sleep Better - Backed by Science

Mouth taping is an excellent solution to your snoring problem. But this isn't just about silencing your disruptive snoring to please your partner—although that's a bonus they'll likely appreciate. The advantages go far beyond that.

Research from the Journal of Neuroscience, Scientific Reports, and Stanford School of Medicine affirms the numerous benefits of nasal breathing and the drawbacks of mouth breathing.

Mouth taping can alleviate sore throat, dry mouth and nasal congestion, helping you to wake up calm and refreshed instead of parched, and struggling to breathe through the day. Additionally, it's beneficial for your dental health and helps maintain a healthy facial structure.

It's time to put an end to snoring and kickstart your day brimming with vitality.


"No matter what we eat, how much we exercise, how resilient our genes, how skinny or young or wise we are—none of it will matter unless we’re breathing correctly. That’s what these researchers discovered. The missing pillar in health is breath. It all starts there.”

- James Nestor, bestselling author and journalist


Upgrade Your Sleep Game and Change Your Life


180 Day Supply

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$12.50 / Pack

180 mouth tapes - 6 month supply

Improve your sleep for $0.42 cents a day

Strong, flexible, easy application

Free USA shipping

100% Money back guarantee

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90 Day Supply

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$13.33 / Pack

90 mouth tapes - 3 month supply

Improve your sleep for $0.44 cents a day

Strong, flexible, easy application

Free USA shipping

100% Money back guarantee

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30 Day Supply

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$20 / Pack

30 mouth tapes - 1 month supply

Improve your sleep for $0.67 cents a day

Strong, flexible, easy application

Free USA shipping

100% money back guarantee

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Mouth taping works by gently sealing your lips shut to promote breathing through the nose. Nasal breathing is the unsung hero of good sleep and good health. Hypnos Mouth Tape is designed to be effective in keeping the mouth closed - even with facial hair - while at the same time being skin-safe and easy to remove when you wake up.


★★★★★ 4.9 out of 439 reviews